Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More Karenis and Around Armenia

My gigantic room. I have three beds if anyone wants to come to Karenis in the next month.

Me and Alan at a Khoravats with our two families.

Me, Naira (my language teacher), and Erin (another trainee in my village). I think we were walking to our gazebo.

Me in front of a monument stone. These are everywhere in the country.

Ruins of a church that I found on a hike.

Me on top of the mountain that we hiked. I'll post more pics of the fort that was perched on top of it later.

A common site from Karenis.


  1. "These things litter the country."

    That was extremely offensive, how you referred to the stone crosses that are found in Armenia (which are called Khatchkars, by the way) as litter.

  2. Since my blog is intended for my friends and family back in the U.S., I write in colloquial English sometimes. In colloquial English, what I meant was that these cross stones are located throughout Armenia. I really like Khatchkars. I would not have posted that picture of one if I did not like it.

  3. Too bad there is no like button!
